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Contribute to the joyful contagion of cultures of cooperation in the service of life!

Cooperating characters in the Les Pas Sages association

We are an association committed to the creation, transformation and sustainability of cooperative projects .

We support groups to create cooperative, resilient, ecological and joyful living spaces and activities!

Characters building together a cooperative of residents according to the Pas Sages model

Co-create living together

We share the vision of a world where we choose cooperation in the articulation of I-We .

We act to find accommodation, live out our desires and strengthen our ties, without seeking real estate speculation. We believe that another way of living together is possible, made up of mutual aid, intergenerational conviviality and collective projects... What we call cooperation .

This is why today we support groups in the realization and monitoring of their projects and we also intervene in collectives which encounter difficulties in bringing joy and confidence .

Contribute to the joyful contagion of cultures of cooperation in the service of life!

We are an association committed to the creation, transformation and sustainability of collective living spaces; we support groups in understanding and simplifying the legal, financial, governance and pooling mechanisms of financial resources useful for creating cooperative, resilient, ecological and joyful living spaces!

Make joy
our compass

We walk in the culture of cooperation, being guided by what gives us joy and confidence. These two emotions are keys to building healthy relationships with others and releasing our own energy .

A collective project is a path to follow where we meet others, but above all ourselves. There are stones that we hit and which sometimes cause us to trip. We believe that by cultivating joy, everyone can surpass themselves and together, we can go further.

“Joy is in everything; you just have to know how to extract it.” Confucius

The Pas-Sages team

Our actions

A collective project requires complex and sometimes dry knowledge: Legal, Financial, Governance and Relations . ​We are committed to allowing you to take ownership of these mechanisms to sustain your eco-site and contribute to the autonomy of the group . We believe that cooperation can then exist in the sovereignty and empowerment of each person.

Eco-friendly support from pas sages
  • Support to create your legal documents

  • Find project financing

  • Establish participatory governance

  • Caring for the human ecosystem

Financial advice from wise people for schoolchildren
  • Support in the financial arrangement of bank loan files .

  • Development of income statements , cash balance sheet, etc.

  • Opening up to crowdfunding possibilities with the support of the Creative Resources and Investments Endowment Fund.

Support in the face of tensions for schoolchildren from wise people
  • Bringing back joy and confidence for groups going through human, operational, financial or legal difficulties .

  • Personalized and tailor-made support to meet your needs.

Creation of an ecovillage network by les Pas-Sages
  • Creation of links within the network of cooperatives and with professionals (architect, accountant, facilitator, etc.).

  • Sharing good practices and organizing a festival to meet and celebrate!

Our history

Point de départ de l'histoire des pas sages en 2012


Ecoravie and development
of the LPS cooperative

The Écoravie collective is looking for an Assistant Project Manager to bring its participatory, ecological and intergenerational housing project to fruition. They meet Mika, a real estate professional full of imagination, and together, they find solutions and bring the project to fruition! Mika contributes by bringing his experience in the legal and financial fields and his creativity to find bold solutions. He is deeply inspired by the human dimension, governance and the heart that exists in the collective. A cooperation which will continue in 2016 by transforming the legal status of Ecoravie (SCI) into a cooperative SAS to be more faithful to the purpose of the project.

The team

We are passionate about cooperation and like to share our joy about the different aspects of the residents' cooperative so that they are accessible and reproducible by as many people as possible.

Discover us!

Mika Elzeard LPS.png

Mika Elzeard

Ecolieu Argoumbat
Beaumont de Lomagne 82

Mika Elzeard
Ecolieu Argoumbat

Founder of real estate companies, developer of positive energy buildings, lawyer, supporting participatory housing for over 10 years, initiator of Pas-Sages and President of the Creative Investment Resources Endowment Fund. I made the choice for a new life with joy, generosity and gratitude.

Initiator and magician of cooperation


Dominique Giral


Dieulefit 26

Dominique Giral


Former business manager then facilitator of personal development courses, co-creator of Ecoravie and Pas-sages, today, I contribute to the paradigm shift in our society that I wish to see happen: prioritizing humans and their needs over organizations that occupy its heart today.

Initiator, Co-president and benevolent force


Sandra Rueda

Colmeia 62

Sandra Rueda

Former executive, I embraced a new path by becoming a haptonome Doula. By getting involved with the Pas-Sages, I wish to contribute to democratizing a more collective and resilient way of life to develop a concrete alternative to societal individualism and social isolation in France and internationally.



Sylvain Buret

Ecoquartier Vert Turquoise

Les Deux-Sèvres 79

Sylvain Buret
Turquoise Green ecovillage


Former administrative and financial manager and business management and development consultant, I now put my skills and qualities at the service of school development, through the support offered by Pas-Sages.

Expert in financial mechanisms

Serena Magnani

Serena Magnani

Dieulefit 26

Serena Magnani

General Secretary of the Pas-Sages team, trainer and facilitator of collective intelligence, committed to a better world.

Magician of collective work


Andre da Costa

Ecolieu Argoumbat
Beaumont de Lomagne 82

Andre da Costa
Ecolieu Argoumbat

Lulled by the sound of Findhorn's stories, I grew up believing in an alternative life. Today, I am experiencing this change and working with my camera to grow the collective consciousness of cooperation and playing my part in the creation of a new world.

Enthusiastic videographer & bridge builder


Vincent Rueda

Colmeia 62

Vincent Rueda

Formerly an engineer in industry, I am now a hypnotherapist and work at Pas-Sages to co-construct another way of linking human societies. Since 2020 I have initiated the first participatory housing project based on the Pas-Sages model in Portugal.

Educational visionary


Emilie Lamon

Ecolieu Argoumbat
Beaumont de Lomagne 82

Emilie Lamon
Ecolieu Argoumbat

For three years, I walked and traveled to the heart of ecovillages in France and Europe. Today I dedicate my passion for graphic design to organizations that work to serve the living world. In what I do, I look for balance, joy, coherence and always a touch of fun and love.

The creative eye

We cooperate with

Habitat participatif france logo
Renew logo
logo global ecovillage network europe
oasis cooperative logo
passerelle eco logo
global ecovillage logo
rahp logo
habicoop logo
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