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Support to appropriate the mechanisms of cooperation in participatory housing

Legal | Financial | Governance | Human Ecosystem

Projects supported and installed

in France and Europe



Our approach

We are committed to simplifying complex concepts by making them clear and accessible to as many people as possible.

Simple and accessible

Simplify what is complex to make it accessible to everyone.


Exchange and create a connection with the heart and our experiences.


Demystify concepts and give you the keys to becoming independent.

Adapted to the specificities

Personalize documents to create according to each person’s uniqueness.

Happy and playful

If it's not fun, it's not sustainable! Joy is our compass.


The rules are in the present tense and are not rigid, because everything is in motion.


Multi-group meeting, individual, online, on the platform or in person.

Open on the network

Connect with other groups to build new worlds.

We support projects
wishing to perpetuate cooperation

Character co-creating a cooperative with an idea of sustainability


A project which aims to extend beyond its initiators.

Character co-creating a cooperative in an idea of cooperation


A permanent search for balance between the singularities of the I and the creation of the we .

Character co-creating a cooperative in a creative idea


From the creation of the project to support you in the first steps.

Character co-creating a cooperative with an idea of transformation


Or to transform the structure of an existing project, improve its operation.

Characters creating a cooperative of inhabitants

Discover the LPS residents’ cooperative

A course of short videos, fun activities and webinars to discover and make the concepts your own and inspire you!

Les Pas-Sages Approach

Legal principles

Financial mechanisms

Fundamentals of governance

Purchase of the property

Signing of the sales agreement​

Make your participatory housing project a reality

The “Co-Concretize” support course

for groups wishing to create, finance, live in and operate their LPS resident cooperative.

Specific support

Go further in your financial or human needs, with support enriched by experiences within the LPS cooperative network.

New arrival route

A course to allow a new person joining your project to have the same elements of understanding of the Cooperative as the collective they are joining.

Supported projects

They took the step

“Fantastic help regarding the legal structure and above all a start to understanding the relational and human issues which underpin the life of a collective”
The Rangarnaud farm
"Clarity in the vision of cooperation and the meaning of implementing it on a legal and financial level. A network and expert opinions on crucial technical points."

“I don’t know how we would have done it without them… In terms of mediation and legal skills”

Hameau des Buis
"We started from values, from all up there, in a creative, almost spiritual approach. And then we went down to the concrete and little by little, we arrived at the internal regulations, at the drafting of the statutes. We could take n "It doesn't matter what status you have on the internet, but it wouldn't be faced with the difficulties and all this experience that you bring to us. And that's really valuable."
Kironia Project
“The Pas-Sages brought us group cohesion, maintaining our mobilization in times of ‘slowdown’
"First, help to overcome our fears: yes, setting up a legal structure was within our reach. Then the technical means to do it and finally a collection of useful experiences to go faster while avoiding
House of Rochebelle
"An uninhibited vision of risks with safety nets and good support for the sustainability of the
project "
The Gardens of Miramont
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